I’m waiting for lockdowns to be lifted so I can get moving on tracking my new album in the studios and with the people that are going to make it something special.
In the months leading up to our current isolation situations, Joel Schwartz and I were doing a lot of pre-production work on the album, trying different ways of playing the songs, working out arrangements, and recording our experiments. Some songs will have gone through a few transformations before arriving at the final versions that will appear on the album.
I’m releasing one of those earlier iterations of a brand new song called One More Chance today! If you buy the track on May 1st between midnight – midnight PDT on bandcamp, they will waive their revenue share fee, leaving more money in the hands of artists.

Written in winter (with the support of the Toronto Arts Council), bounced around in pre-production, and stitched together in quarantine. Enjoy!
Be caring. Be honest. Be well.