Looking back at 2013

On the eve of a new year, I can’t help but reflect on the four seasons that just passed. I spent last winter feverishly writing, exploring, and experimenting, thanks to a writing grant from the Toronto Arts Council. Soon, I was playing those songs live and prepping for an east coast tour with the help of VIA Rail’s On Board Entertainment Program. My acappella alma mater celebrated its 25th anniversary with a star-studded gala. Summer is always festival season and I spent some time at Mariposa in Orillia and Stewart Park in Perth. But fall was the best of all. Already my favourite season, I was lucky enough to spend those colourful days driving all over Ontario, playing music for you.
I climbed into a little hybrid and pointed it north along Lake Superior. I got stuck on a shutdown 401 West trying to make it to Windsor. I slid up a snowy highway 31 to finally reach Morrisburg in a triumphant end-of-tour hurrah at the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage concert series. And so much in between. As December closed in, I found myself welcomed by the warm-hearted folks of Owen Sound, as the musical guest at their December 6 memorial event.
And then I returned home to paint, write, and prepare for 2014. The new year brings a new recording project, more touring, and some festival appearances. And for all that and more, I am looking forward, with gratitude.

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